Friday, 16 September 2011


God’s Word has effect on my soul, body and spirit. The fact that it is powerful and effective and so divides the soul, spirit and divides through the marrows (body). It means that God’s word has the potency, physical and spiritual to effect on our bodies and spirits. We must first understand that man is a spirit, which has a soul and dwells in a body. The body is just like a container for the spirit. The reason the spirit needs this bodily container is to be able to dwell or live and function in the earth realm.
God,(Elohim), in His manifold wisdom, created the earth such that spirits cannot function on it. That is why every child of God has the authority to command any evil spirit on his way to leave, because legally, they have no right to the earth realm. This earth realm is for bodily beings to function in, not spirit beings. This is the reason why the one and ONLY savior of the world, Jesus Christ, who was previously known as the Word of God, must first become flesh, by being conceived in the womb of a woman. It was this act which gave Him (God) to function on the earth realm as Jesus.
Now back to Heb 4:12. The Word of God being referred to here is logos. This is a Greek word which means something that is said. Thus the logos is what is recorded in the bible as God's word. Now this logos is the basis for RHEMA, which is also the word of God, but this time, the REVELATIONAL word of God which produces results in your life. This is the word which you have received in your spirit, and you so much meditate on it and understand it, and you apply it to work for you, this is Rhema. Now what Hebrews is saying is that, what had been written down or recorded in the bible as God’s Word, even at that logos stage is ALIVE and result producing, it means it is a true thing, something which can be trused. So, what is the implication of this in the life of a child of God? It means, whatever the word of God(logos) says is, is! It tells that the word of God is authentic; it works for anyone who believes it!!! It means you can have total confidence in this written Word, it is reliable, and true!!! YOU NEED TO READ THIS!!!YOU NEED TO READ THIS!!!
Now, do you know of any two-edged sword which can divide the soul and spirit of man? Now, this  logos can do that. What it means is that it can show you the difference between the soul and spirit, it can educate you on what makes up your soul, and what your spirit entails, and also  how to handle both of them. So who wants the answer to his emotional issues? The answer is here, the word of God! Also, the innermost part of the body is the marrow which is within the bones. Now this word is so active that it can virtually cut through your body, bones and get to your marrows, in the physical when this cutting occurs, you will feel pains, you will be wounded, but viutually,it will heal and you will be whole again. So what does the wound mean?